
Hannah Stewart – Royal College of Art

Hannah Stewart does curiosity driven research and making to explore what futures are possible or probable; using artefacts, speculative design and action research projects. 

Hannah is currently a Researcher at the Royal College of Art, managing and producing research for the EPSRC funded Future Makespaces in Redistributed Manufacturing Network and also the AHRC funded ‘Ethics into practice, practice into products’ associated with Hello Shenzhen.

She was commissioned to produce the UK Makespaces Open Dataset for NESTA with Andrew Sleigh and really should hurry up and submit her PhD thesis from the Creative Exchange which focuses on the values and practices of the maker space and open data communities in relation to the principles of the commons.

As she did 2017, Hannah will once again be hosting our Business Innovation Growth Symposium event on Thursday 17 May 2018. Tickets are available via Eventbrite.

Hannah at the BIG Conference in 2017. Photo by Richard Tymon